首页 - 本科 - 学者 - 罗伯茨大学的荣誉 - 领导荣誉计划


每个领域都需要领导者. Every leader needs to be a problem solver.

In the 领导荣誉计划 at 美高梅mgm平台, you will learn to become a leader who can make decisions and solve problems based on available evidence.

You will develop the critical thinking, research, and leadership skills needed for your chosen field. 向人求教 with a Rochester community professional in your area of interest and a Roberts’ faculty member will offer you the insights you need to develop into the leader you were made to be. 在项目的第二年, 你将选择一个研究项目, 辅导经验, 或者体验式学习轨道. You will then demonstrate their new abilities through a community presentation.


Gain new insights from leaders in your field of interest as you connect with a mentor working in the Greater Rochester Area.


Realize the importance of leadership in every industry in an exclusive course taught by the President of 美高梅mgm平台 and 东北神学院. This course is open only to students in the 领导荣誉计划.

Choose Your Track | 指导, 研究, or 从实践经验中学习

Choose from one of three Honors Leadership Tracks. All tracks will culminate in a Community Presentation designed to demonstrate your new leadership skills.


This track teaches you the skills of being a good mentor, including understanding the mentoring relationship. Alongside learning how to mentor this course provides an opportunity to mentor lower division students at 美高梅mgm平台. In addition to one-on-one mentoring this course also requires you to teach and prepare leadership workshops. 


This track enables you to choose an area of research within your field of study. You will work with a faculty mentor to meet regular milestones in this intensive research project culminating in an Honors Thesis. 


This cooperative education experience is designed to operate outside the confines of the regular classroom to aid you in focusing on career plans and goals. Placement within organizations or businesses is intended to enhance your academic and career interest. Cooperative education experiences are available during fall, 春天, and summer semesters to qualified students. 


作为一个发展中的领导者, you have the opportunity to become a subject matter expert as you identify and explore the challenges, 机会, and tactics that will lead to success in your area of interest. Take a look at a sample of the projects of past Honors graduates.

Nursing Student Knowledge and Attitudes in an Older Adult Transition of Care Simulation | 阿曼达·克拉克|护理学

Amanda has a heart for care of older adults and was interested in knowing if a simulation with a patient actor would improve nursing student knowledge and skill in caring for the complexities of this population when they are transitioning from the hospital to rehab. Not all students have this opportunity in traditional clinical experiences. She measured knowledge and attitudes toward the older adult before and after the simulation and analyzed a transcript of the post simulation discussion. Amanda presented the results of her study at a national nurse educator conference.

Accounting Smart: A Financial Guidebook for the Social Entrepreneur | Harmony Dionne |会计学

Harmony discovered that most social entrepreneurs' businesses fail due to a lack of accounting knowledge.  She wrote a “how to” accounting manual specifically for social entrepreneurs.

Unraveling Skin Cancer: Attacking HF-1a | 卡伦·凯斯|生物学

Karen Case was studying the role of hypoxia-inducible factor-1alpha, a powerful transcription factor which turns on and off genes that control cell survival.  She was testing the possibility that its temporary activation is important for the survival of normal skin cells injured by ultraviolet (UV) light, and that its continuous overproduction contributes to the formation of UV-induced skin cancers.

人类:摄影之旅定义| 艾瑞尔·布法德|通讯

My project takes a communication theory-- the definition of man, and compares it with the creation of man in Genesis. That collision beautifully grasps the nature of humanity, and is represented artistically through a book of photographs and poetry.

Let’s Learn a Song: Enhancing Learning in the ESL Classroom through Music | RJ Eggleton |音乐教育

RJ combined her passion for music with her passion for teaching students of other languages.  She developed an interactive method for teaching English through songs.  As a part of her project, she developed a YouTube channel as a resource for music teachers.